


Award winning chef, Stefania Panza Scotto, opens up new restaurant

Award winning chef, Stefania Panza Scotto, opens up new restaurant.

Chef Stefania Panza
Chef Stefania Panza Scotto

Chef Stefania Panza Scotto was the Executive Chef and CEO for Soffritto Italian Grill in Newark, Delaware. Soffritto Italian Grill was founded in 2004. Soffritto Italian Grill was a sophisticated Italian restaurant that provided gourmet food in a cozy atmosphere. Soffritto invested heavily in training their staff to provide unparalleled customer service from the time they walked in the door until the time customers left. Top-notch service paired with their fine cuisine and a cozy friendly atmosphere kept customers coming back to Soffritto Italian Grill. Soffritto Italian Grill was a top-notch run restaurant because of its passion for planning and their perseverance.

Chef Stefania Panza
Chef Stefania Panza Scotto

After the success of Soffritto Italian Grill, Chef Stefania Panza Scotto opens up a new restaurant in Wildwood, New Jersey, named “It’s Not a Donut”. This restaurant serves Italian Donuts also known as “Graffe”. Graffe are classic Neapolitan Donuts that are consumed throughout Italy during Carnival, along with other fried sweets such as frittele, chiacchiere, and castagnole. It’s Not a Donut is ready to serve its customers with unique and delicious deals. You can go through their website page and can get updated about their upcoming events and menu changes with the seasonal events.

its not a donut

Opening Hours

Mon-Thu: 8AM to 10Pm
Fri-Sat: 8AM to 11PM
Sun: 8AM to 9PM

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